Icon Collector is T-Shirt-Ware. If you decide to keep it, you must send me a T-Shirt (size L). My adress is listed below.
Icon Collector allows you to create icon collections by merging customs icons from multiple applications, files or folders in a single document, to save disk space. Icon Collector extracts icons from your collection by creating new folders with theses icons.
• Launch Icon Collector
• Create icon collection by choosing New from the File menu.
• Add icon(s) to collection by dragging applications/folder/files/disk… to Icon Collector's application from the Finder.
• Extract icons by selecting an icon from your collection by double-clicking the icon in the collection.
• Cut/copy/paste supported between Collections and Finder's Get Info box, and [new!] any application which
accepts PICTs
• Drag & Drop icons from Icon Collector to the Finder or any application accepting PICTs.
• Drag & Drop files from the finder to Icon Collector's windows.
• Import all icons from any file by pressing command key while dragging file to Icon Collector's icon.
It will work only on icon sets containing resources of type 'ICN#' ie it will not import icons from ResEdit
files containing only resources of type 'icl8'.
Try to copy the custom icon of an appleshare volume or a CD-ROM with zillions of files from the finder :
- select the volume
- Get Info, wait, wait, wait : the Finder is calculating the size....
- copy the icon
Try to do the same thing with Icon Collector
- launch IC
- create a new Collection
- from the finder, drag the volume(s)'s icon(s) to Icon Collector's application icon
- copy the icon from the Collection's window
Yes. The size of a collection appears larger than the size of all folders as it shows in the Get Info dialog box, but it's because the custom icons of folders are stored in invisible files, and the Finder doesn't look at such files to compute the size in the Get Info dialog box.
Because of the way Icon Collector is programmed, it can't handle huge icon collections. You may want to keep your collection's size smaller than 2 or 3 hundreds icons. This may change in a future version.
• On-line help
• Option to copy a custom icon to the scrapbook without creating new collection
• Option to extract many icons in one step.
• Print to printer
• Selection of several icons
• Extract many icons in one step
• Collect all icons within a folder (recursively)
• …
Emmanuel Rayzal
32 bis, bd J. Jaurès
92100 Boulogne
Internet : erayzal@iway.fr
Drop me a line if you find any bugs or have any questions, comments or suggestions!
The author, Emmanuel Rayzal, makes no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the fitness of this or any version of Icon Collector for any purpose. Use it at your own risk. The author claims no liability for data loss or other problems caused directly or indirectly by Icon Collector.
You are free to distribute Icon Collector, with the following exceptions and notes:
You may upload Icon Collector to a bulletin board, ftp site, or other software repository, only if there is no charge for downloading it, apart from any charges incurred for connect time. If you wish to distribute Icon Collector on a CD-ROM, or other collection of software, you must get the author's permission in writing. The commercialy availabe CD-ROM of info-mac archive may include Icon Collector. You may not, in any case, distribute a modified copy of Icon Collector.